You do not have to do this alone.
Remember how good things were when you first got together?
There was that thrill, passion and “spark.” You felt close to one another – physically and emotionally. You shared a sense of trust, commitment, and hope for the future you were building together.
But then, something changed.
The “spark” began to fade. Those feelings of closeness dwindled. Trust was broken, the commitment was questioned, and your dreams for a happy, healthy relationship went away.
Whether you are dealing with relationship problems or simply looking to boost your bond, couples counseling can help.
Our practice offers couples counseling for adults from all over the area – people just like you – because every relationship deserves support.
No matter how bad things might seem, no matter how long the two of you have struggled, there is hope. Your relationship deserves a “new beginning.”
Read on to learn more about couples counseling, how it works, and what to expect from our services.
What is couples counseling?
Couples counseling, also called couples therapy, is the first line of treatment for addressing relationship issues. Most couples counseling sessions are held with you, your partner(s), and your therapist all together in one meeting. However, some meetings are one-on-one with the couples therapist so that each member has a chance to share and get feedback on an individual basis.
Couples counseling is not about making anyone feel blamed or shamed. Instead, you and your partner are given opportunities to be heard and feel respected. Both of you will have the chance to open up, have difficult conversations, and learn from one another. And your therapist can help you move beyond problem-solving and learn to lift your relationship to new heights.
Do we really need couples counseling?
Every relationship has room to grow. Therefore, any relationship has something to gain from couples counseling. True, there are a few specific problems that couples counseling is designed to treat.
If you and your partner are experiencing any of these issues, professional help is recommended:
- Poor communication with one another
- Feeling misunderstood or at-odds
- Frequent conflict, fighting or arguing
- Issues with sex and intimacy
- Cheating and infidelity (or an affair)
- Difficulties with family members
- Abuse and controlling behavior*
- Feeling like one or both of you have changed (and not for the better)
*Active abuse interferes with the therapy process. Our priority is your safety and wellbeing, and we want to make sure you have the care you deserve. If you are in an unsafe or abusive relationship, please contact the domestic violence hotline at (800) 799-SAFE.
Your relationship deserves a chance to move forward from the past and start things anew. If you and your partner are struggling, couples counseling can give you that chance.
How can couples counseling help us?
Couples therapists strive to work themselves out of a job. We want to help you and your partner deal with whatever is holding you back from relational wellness, but we also want to make sure the relationship can sustain itself.
But how?
Couples counseling does this by helping the two of you develop the skills you need to rebuild trust, communicate well, and feel connected again:
Connection is about intimacy and closeness. While some couples have difficulties with physical and sexual intimacy, nearly all struggle with emotional intimacy. As you can imagine, these types of intimacy interact with one another – if you feel emotionally distant, sex does not sound as appealing. Couples therapy can help you and your partner learn to reconnect and build a deeper connection on all levels.
Trust is about stability, security, and reliability. When there is a violation of trust (e.g., an affair, hiding credit card debt, etc.), those feelings often vanish. Ideally, you would not have to worry about what your partner is doing (and vice versa). Monitoring your partner’s whereabouts, texts and emails, browser history, and other habits to feel secure is exhausting. Couples counseling can help you and your partner have difficult conversations, rebuild broken trust, and move forward with a new future together.
Communication is about how you send and receive messages from one another – both verbally and nonverbally. You should be able to express your needs to one another, be supported, and feel understood. You need to be able to speak each other’s emotional language, solve problems together, and work as a team. Therapy can help you and your partner learn to break free from ruts of conflict and overcome barriers to communication.
Couples counseling seeks to bolster these three domains so that you and your partner can have the relationship you’ve always wanted. All you have to do is get started.
What is therapy like at New Beginnings Psych?
Let us work together!
Here at New Beginnings Psych, we strive to help you and your partner see results as quickly and effectively as possible. We work with couples throughout the area– both through in-person and online therapy services.
We use multiple evidence-based methods at our practice, but we primarily utilize Emotionally Focused, Neurobiological, Cognitive Behavioral, and Psychodynamic techniques in our couple therapy work. We believe in getting to the root cause of problems and recognizing the mind/body connection in everything we do, and we hope to use this to help the two of you connect on a deeper level.
As the two of you make progress in couple’s therapy, you can begin to learn how to:
- Overcome barriers to intimacy
- Support and care for one another
- Deal with stress better as a couple
- Break free from old conflict and hurt
- Work the pain of infidelity and other breaches in trust
- Engage in difficult conversations (e.g., making decisions about divorce)
- Build a better, brighter future together
Do not wait and hope for things to get better on their own. You deserve a trusting, supportive partnership. You deserve a chance to work through difficulties and hardship. A therapy experience with us can help make that happen.
For more information about what we can do for you or to schedule your first appointment, please contact us.